Welcome to Blue Water Marina
Our main mission is to maintain the natural beauty of the Beach Thorofare and the surrounding environment, maintaining the eco-system through sound environmental policies, while providing people with a safe positive family recreational experience.
Slip Rates & Application
Select below for a printable Application for Dock Space that you can fill out and mail or fax back to Blue Water Marina at 501-646-6374. Also included is the Rental Agreement, as any person applying for a dock space is subject to the terms and conditions of the Application Contract, as well as the Dock Policy and Key Policy. Each applicant must complete a Boater’s Pledge and return it with the application. All Applications are subject to Management’s approval and Slip availability; please contact [email protected].
Blue Water Marina’s Photo Gallery of
Boater’s Appreciation Day
Each year, the Calabrese Family wants to thank everyone for making the Blue Water Marina a place where family and friends enjoy a fun and safe boating experience.
“What’s New” at Blue Water Marina?
Check out our latest headlines on Blue Water Marina’s News Blog!